Закрыл чётный год, радостно перехожу в нечётный.)
Вероятно, завтра сподоблюсь на более подробный пост, но сейчас хотел бы повесить ровно две песни не существующей и в общем-то толком и не существовавшей группы. Честно, я не фанат этой обработки Who I Am. Когда я слышал живое исполнение, оно было в несколько тысяч раз круче. Но что поделать, будем довольствоваться этим.)
Listen or download Acoustic Pleasure Who I Am for free on Prostopleer
Who I Am?
What happent recently?
Maybe it's sham?
Maybe it's mystery?
I have got confused
I was lost
My dreams unused
I'm ghost
You the only one who know it
You find answers to my question
This is all i realy need
My slow flowing beloved poison
Forever sweet
Who I Am?
What's the reason of my coming?
Maybe it's plan?
Maybe it's damning?
I am invisible
Mirrors doesn't reflect me
My soul is mangle
I'am sorry
You the only one who know it
You find answers to my question
This is all i realy need
My slow flowing beloved poison
Forever sweet
Who are You?
My falling angel
Something new
You are perfection
Wind in your hairs
Starlight in your eyes
Like in fairy tales
This is nice.
You the only one who know it
You find answers to my question
This is all i realy need
My slow flowing beloved poison
Forever sweet
Forever sweet
Listen or download The Cold Sunrise for free on Prostopleer
This very slow and cold sunrise
It remained white ice in your eyes
Lonely shadows separate from bodies
It's become not clear, what is noise or silence
The cold sunrise
The voice in me wants to find freedom
But there is no language in my life
What hadn't told, was turned to venom
I have some to tell! Don't shut my mouth!
No voices
No callings
No lie
Only feelings
Stop! Please hold my hand
You will understand all which I am silent
We're in the beginning of a way. It will never end
Feel what is hidden in us. The "loud" talent
The cold sunrise
The voice in me wants to find freedom
But there is no language in my life
What hadn't told, was turned to venom
I have some to tell! Don't shut my mouth!
No voices
No callings
No lie
Only feelings